Global Marine
Founded 2009
PT. Global Marine Resources – We Are Marine Risk Consultant, which focus on Protection and Indemnity Insurance for Ship owners. Our sole aim is to provide highly competitive, first P&I Insurance Solutions to the risks faced by maritime enterprises in Indonesia.

Establish in 2009, we already served Indonesia’s Ship owners by obtained a suitable P&I Cover to meet owner expectations.

Currently, we are trusted by many Shipping Companies in Indonesia. And also we have a great claim success ratio, 98%.

P&I Introduction

P&I insurance is one of Marine Insurance Product which provides covers for Ship Owner and Operator’s Third Party Liabilities claims arising out of the operation of the vessel. P&I Insurance cover are :

  • Collision Liability ( RDC & FFO )
  • Cargo Liability
  • Pollution Liability
  • Crew Liability – Death, Injury or Illness of passengers or crew
  • Wreck Removal

Looking for a First-Class P&I Consultant?

P&I Club Partners P&I – Global already formed a direct relationship with some Major P&I Club

Fixed Premium P&I Club

• Eagle Ocean Marine – S &P’s Rating ; BB+
• The Shipowner’s Mutual P&I Association – S&P’s Rating ; A+
• Amlin – S&P’s Rating ; A+
• Carina
• Maritime Mutual Insurance Association

Mutual Premium P&I Club

• The America Steamship Mutual P&IAssociation – S&P’s Rating; A
• The Shipowner’s Mutual P&I Association – S&P’s Rating ; A+
• The Swedish Mutual P&I Association – S&P’s Rating; A

Indonesia’s Maritime Regulation UU No. 17 tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran

• Pasal 40 – 55
Penyedia jasa angkutan multimoda wajib mengasuransikan tanggungjawabnya.
• Pasal 60 – 66
Hipotek dan Piutang Pelayaran Yang Didahulukan
• Pasal 123
Perlindungan Lingkungan Maritim
• Pasal 151
Setiap Awak Kapal berhak mendapatkan asuransi kecelakaan kerja
• Pasal 203
Pemilik kapal wajib menyingkirkan kerangka kapal dan/atau muatannya yang mengganggu keselamatan
dan keamanan pelayaran paling lama 180 (seratus delapan puluh) hari kalender sejak kapal Tenggelam
Untuk menjamin kewajiban sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) pemillik kapal wajib mengasuransikan kapalnya